WitW - Session 18

The party jumps into the river, searching for the entrance to the Ice Worm Cult. Dodging sharp rocks, nearly drowning, and sliding through frigid waterways, they took a beating. Jeatz made his way out first, followed very soon by the others. Bronto was looking the worst of the 4. They still lashed out at him for taking them a way that beat them half to death.


They were dumped into a pool of icy water. They were on edge, immediately. They didn't see anything right away, but as they made their way to the door on the other side of the room, they were ambushed by Ice Worm hatchlings. They bit and spit at the party, but they made their way through the worms without too much trouble.


Jeatz made his way to the nearest Goblin that was initially oblivious to his presence. Jeatz asked the party to stay back- he had a plan. He said he came from the ice tunnels, and he needed to report a problem saying "THEY'RE COMING" more and more animated, before he pretends to pass out. Dopper runs away going for help.


They scouted ahead, finding an arcane sigil. Further ahead, Jeatz pretended he drug himself all the way down the hallways to find Dopper speaking with two other goblins. Jeatz overheard these goblins tell Dopper to kill the intruder if he didn't like the answers Jeatz gave. Jeatz eventually answered that he wanted to see the return of the Ice Worm and it bought some time while Almyre and Horace Investigated the sigil.


Almyre found the sigil to be some form of omnidirectional teleportation system within the base. Horace runs to Jeatz's aid pretending to also be hurt. Between the two of them they were able to convince the trio of goblins that they were here to resurrect the worm. Almyre stepped through the portal with Bronto.


Bronto spoke out saying they were there to see Miven and came in peace. He successfully convinced them, and they were taken to Miven, the leader of the Harbingers (aka the cult of the ice worm).


This room is clear carved into an underground glacier that's supporting the mountain above. Miven reassured that she was only interested in seeing the return of the ice worm and has nothing to do with the zealots above. She told them Glacius started to sing to her 30 years ago, leading her here. When Glacius starts to awake, the ice worm eggs begin to hatch. The tremors grow stronger and stronger until she wakes up, Mates with her strongest offspring, lays eggs and slumbers once more.


Miven is ambivalent about the fate of those living above in the Winter Court. She only cares about the cycle of nature taking its course once more. Glacius slept in the bay in her lest cycle, but the glacier she sleeps in now has migrated under the mountain. Glacius feels trapped and will destroy the mountain above her in rage.


The party has tentatively decided to save the mountain by trying to free Galcius. They ventured to find where she sleeps. In an open cavern with ice worm hatchlings in the wall that was on the way to Glacius's pool, they found a highly cursed onyx sword and Almyre learned a new spell- sleet storm.


This onyx sword was once wielded by Legendarius who slew 900 fey and forged the sword in the forges of the summer court.


They walked into the large room with an ice bridge across a pool, and out bursts the Eldest child of Galcius.


WitW - Session 19


WitW - Session 17