Criminal Quandaries - S22

The party left the battlefield through the fog wall, but were gripped by the cold of shadowfell. Strahd thanked them for supporting him, and said he hadn’t been able to contact them before now because there’s a war brewing in shadowfell. It would be a while before they met again (post-game?) but Strahd said he let Estrum escape to the material plane again, but knew not where he was. Strahd parted ways giving each of them a boon as thanks.

They found Tonks in the shop when they returned to fairhaven, and she said that Norrix was meeting with Theo Highcall and wanted them present. Ever failing upwards, Highcall had a dead Norrix in his hands when they arrived and congratulated the party on their promotion. They spoke for a while and struck a deal- They would help Theo get Krennick and Blade out of the city, and in return, they would be made Lords of fairhaven, and never have to work again. The party signed a contract and went off to their first gig. Planting a seed in Krennick’s office to make him act irrationally and Theo would catch him slipping up. They spend the next few hours getting pretty for the masquerade ball.

Yeet got the party in the door as Shelby was manning the gate and let everyone through. At the door, the guard wouldn’t let a warforged in, so Bastle used his newly gifted power of invisibility to slip in. Gus kept an eye on the staircase by playing snooker with an eccentric man, while Barnaby was betting on the games.

Kaige and Yeet quickly separated themselves since they knew how to behave at such functions.  They made their way to the ballroom and shared a dance.

Meanwhile, Bastle acrobatically made his way upstairs. He took a bit of a beating from some traps upstairs but made his way into Krennick’s office. Just as he was setting the papers down, Krennick appeared. He recognized Vincent’s body, but compelled him to act as an informant in House Cannith. Krennick left and Bastle had another flashback.


Criminal Quandaries - S23


Criminal Quandaries - S21