WitW - Session 20

The party jumped into the water, were immediately swallowed by the massive worm and found themselves communing with Glacius. She tested each of them in their physical and mental abilities, probing their spirits, each in turn. She said they would feel her wrath course through them.


Almyre offered her Arcane knowledge she has gained from her studies.


Jeatz offered his connection to the Wild.


Horace offered his strength and experience in battle.


Almyre, Jeatz, and Horace all impressed Glacius considerably receiving extra gifts on top of what Glacius was already to be given to them. Horace gained some healing ability and guaranteed success on attacks, Jeatz gained mastery over the chaos bolt spell as well as Glacius's strong outer shell, and Almyre learned many spells as well as gaining immunity to cold damage inheriting her saviors' ability.


Glacius spit Jeatz, Horace, and Bronto back out onto the docks. The people of the winter court scattered in fear, Glacius towering out of the bay.  Glacius warned that there were people of interest in the senate on the far side of the court.


Almyre, still fused with Glacius's spirit drove her, destroying the outer wall of the court, making her way to the barracks to tear that down as well. With each building brought down, she broke the spirit of the guards of the court - contingents of Goblins, Eladrin Archers, and The elite Stone Men dwarf forces.


Horace and Bronto rushed to the Hovel to eliminate the forces guarding the suburb. Jeatz took to the skies with the help of the mystical wizard, Pythagoras, to eliminate the Archers in the towers. He teleported back and forth, wild magic surging several times - once healing him fully by utilizing Tharun's gift to control his wild magic.


After bringing down the Barracks, Almyre and Glacius moved to the bridge towards the senate, which had been set with a massive fireball attack to bring the bridge down.


Eventually, the cultist backup forces arrived, some of them using ice magic to create floating ice platforms to make the river crossable for the rest of the party. Others sacrificed themselves to reinvigorate Glacius.


Jeatz, Bronto, and Horace made their way across the river to the senate to see Glacius unable to destroy the building. But when they got there, The trio was able to walk through the barrier. Inside, they found the 3 council members, (Eirlys, Grimnok, and Thrain) as well as the Wizard standing over a destitute Amir and badly hurt Tharun.


The Wizard monologues for a moment - He has successfully stolen the Autumn Lord's heart, setting his ultimate plan in motion. He turns to Lady Eirlys, steals the Winter Heart by reaching an ethereal hand into her chest much to her surprise, and he disappeared.


WitW - Session 21


WitW - Session 19