WitW - Session 33

The party secured the judges, starting with a visit to Lord Yuron Yerk. Yuron informed them that the Royal Host was coming to town so that High Priest Odegaard could mediate the disputes between Yuron and Zira. Jeatz convinced Yuron to judge, reasoning that Yuron would come out on top either way—either by not having to serve or by being seen as having the better cooks. Zira was similarly convinced, but she insisted that the contest be as fair as possible, as she didn't need any more scrutiny on her people. Before parting, Zira mentioned that they would need to look appropriate if they were to board the Royal Host.

Zira told them they could get a room and a hot meal from Frederick, the innkeeper. Frederick was jolly when they met him. Horace snuck out, bringing some whisky from a tavern across the river and graciously gifting it to Frederick. They drank the night away, but despite the merriment, all had troubling dreams.

Horace dreamt of the night his family was chased into the wild by Victor Kane, but was awoken by Glitter trying to bring him some water.

Almyre, during her trance, was visited by Glacius, who told her she must spread the message of the World Eater and that she was ignoring the path set before her. If she refused, Glacius warned, she would be consumed when he reawakens to destroy the world itself.

Jeatz dreamt that he was submerged deep in a pool of blood and viscera. He tried to speak to the entity, but his lungs filled with blood, so he could only listen. It spoke to him as fey-kin, reminiscent of the foul creature in the Blood Moon druid’s pool. The entity said they would reunite soon.

The competition begins! The party got some slick new outfits for the cook-off. Gunnel and Lungen both failed to use all the ingredients in the first round (because, really, what do lettuce and noodles have in common? xD). Lungen created a sandwich using his wife’s bread with a roc egg topping sub. Gunnel made a hard-boiled roc egg set in a gelatinous cube. Lungen won the first round by a hair, which afforded him first choice of protein. He chose dragon flank, creating a bibimbap. Gunnel chose faux fey heart and made a sushi roll.

However, Lungen caught Gunnel trying to sabotage him with maggots, and Lungen won by a landslide. The faux fey heart had some side effects, though—Lady Zira began blinking in and out of existence, but only briefly. Yuron, however, experienced a more long-lasting effect, with his hair growing rapidly for the next hour. Jeatz was unable to convince them that the effects weren't caused by true magic, and Yuron had Gunnel taken away.

With the chaos subsiding, Lady Zira approached Lungen and apologized.


WitW - Session 34


WitW - Session 32