Criminal Quandaries - S7

We opened with Bastle falling into the void. As he was falling he heard the voice of his creator and also Alucard. Estrum was able to barely touch Bastle and he was stabilized, though no one knew his true fate. Malaki sent one last eldritch blast as the party fled into the door, returning to the basement where they prepared for Volenta’s arrival, they mostly missed the torches erupting upon their arrival. Malaki Hexed Volenta upon her reappearance. Volenta and Malaki had it out, but Volenta couldn’t be convinced, thinking she was going to eat them all. Gus, took the first hit, being grappled, while Yeet unsuccessfully charmed her. Kaige pushed Volenta off of Gus, just as Malaki raged, citing Bastle presumed death, with his Eldritch blast, dusting her.

Malaki, knew that vampires get dusted, but have to be finished in their coffin. Malaki asks for everyone to be present, while he strikes the top of the coffin. Malaki had fashioned his morningstar hilt to be made of wood after living around vampires for so long. They killed Volenta for good and took the locket they were after.

Malaki was convinced it was the end of the line for him (considering Strahd’s power), but as they left the house, they heard a pained groan from Bastle who reappeared in the courtyard, half-alive.

The son of Strahd and Alyssa, Alucard, showed up behind them. Alucard told them he wanted nothing to do with helping the humans or revenants, so trying to find him in the marrowlands was a fruitless effort. Alucard wants to keep Kristen away from Estrum, and the party agreed to help by giving Alucard the locket to keep it out of Kristen’s hands. Alucard warned them that Volenta’s death might spell their doom, so Alucard took the locket, promising to intercept Strahd. They reluctantly agreed, handing the locket to Alucard. The party went inside as instructed.

They spoke to an unusually calm Strahd, asking for everyone’s presence. Malaki tried convincing Strahd it was him and him alone that killed Volenta, but Strahd was unimpressed. He asked what the party had to not kill them here and now. Kaige offered her drift globe, but Strahd batted her hand away getting frustrated about simple trinkets.

Yeet said they would do anything to get out of Shadowfell. Strahd laughed at this realization. Alucard vouched for them, and Strahd was chuffed that you killed his wife, now with the context of them trying to escape shadowfell. Strahd said Shadowfell had quite the political turmoil going on- Vampires starving because of the slow feed of mortals. “Are you killers?” He asked. The party agreed and Malaki took the ring.

Strahd will send the party back to the material plane, but they must send anyone they kill back to the material plane. And with that, the party was bonded to Strahd von Zarovich.

Just before they went back, Strahd told them the world above was slowly moving by. He also threatened to kill them should they fail to uphold their end.


Criminal Quandaries - S8


Criminal Quandaries - S6