Criminal Quandaries - S38

Krennick sees the party readying for a fight, and lashes out of them. With his immense magical power, Krennick downs half the party. At the same time, this release of arcane energy pulls up stones from the ground around him and he flies up with the stones 60 feet in the air. Krennick appeared with a bubble around him, but there were more stones floating up to the structure all the time.


Kaige and Gus woke up in this strange demi-plane split in two by a magical wall. Here, two shadowy forms take shape. One- A much younger Karina with all the rage of her youth with Kaige dead friends reflecting in her breastplate.. The other is Tiberius. He removed his helmet to reveal half his face has been peeled back to reveal the metal face of a warforged. Fortunately, Circuit and Estrum were able to give the pair the help action by trying to wake them out of the demi-plane.


Using these, Bastle climbed up to find Grey waiting. Yeet cast guiding bolt at Krennick from below, but the bubble absorbed the spell. From inside the demi-plane, Kaige saw a magic bolt hit Karina out of nowhere.


Yeet failed twice, but Coviness was there to heal Yeet, saying she would support the group like they supported Theo.


Back in the Demi-plane, Tiberius smote Gus several times, dealing severe damage, but despite this, Gus shoves Karina off the bridge to give Kaige a path to the stone pillars containing to e beads they need to escape.


At the same time, Bastle coming out of invisibility, muscled up and shoved Grey off the rock sending him 80 feet down, twice! In the meantime, Yeet flew over top of Krennick but was immediately dropped by a dispel magic effect emanating from the bubble.


Grey made it back up to the rocks and immediately dashed Bastle against the rocks brutally. In retaliation, Bastle brandished his Vorpal sword, critting, and slicing Grey's head clean off, dropping it off the floating rocks to the ground below.


After grabbing both beads, Kaige made a mad dash to the other side of the arena using a mirror image scroll to get past Karina unscathed. After which, she sprinted, teleporting through the barrier and dunking the beads.


Kaige and Gus wake up on the balcony to Coviness casting heal over Gus. Bastle yells down to Coviness to assist just before attacking the now cracked bubble. Bastle shattered the bubble with Krennick falling to the ground, and saying,, "Now is the time you die"


Criminal Quandaries - S39 FINALE


Criminal Quandaries - S37