Criminal Quandaries - S34

The party rushed as quick as they could to the throne room, but fortunately Coviness caught them a moment later to teleport them much closer than they ordinarily would have been. Yeet declined, running past her. They ran as fast as they could, but were just a moment too late to save Highcall- Karina cut his head off. They vowed to save King Oak Deeproot, however. Kaige shoved Aura Khidol out of the way, to stop her from dealing the final blow to the King.


Yeet sent a message to Krennick, but Krennick responded as prideful as ever calling him and his friends foolish for meddling in things they don't understand.


The rest of the party showed up to take care of the pair of attackers with Bastle nearly decapitating Aura with his vorpal sword, but Aura was able to avoid it due to her legendary resistance. Bastle used his wails from the grave to direct necrotic energy to Karina. It struck her in the chest, but she unexpectedly disappeared in smoke.


Gus arrived, gun blazing with a Blight spell. The magic reached her and flitted out without doing any damage, which confused the party. Kaige did massive damage, and in retaliation, banished Kaige with a smite. That was all before Aura teleported away.


The party was left with the king and a headless Highcall. For a moment Yeet considered completing the assassination himself, but thought better of it. The king was less than helpful as he is mostly a figurehead. Gus cast detect magic to find that his scepter and crown were magical.


Bastle picked up his majesty to take him somewhere, but put him down while the party deliberated for a while. The king's scepter is a pocket dimension, which gave them an idea. They were going to send Highcall's soul to Shadowfell to become a pawn for Strahd. And as payment, they requested to keep watch over the king and rest there a while. With the aid of the king's pocket dimension they could escape the enervating effects of Shadowfell.


Strahd was thankful for the wonderful specimen that is Highcall. His skin turned pale blue and eyes turned red, evidently Strahd has turned Highcall into a thrall of his. For this, the party was rewarded with what they wished. The party promised future specimens of equal power in good faith.


Promised protection, the king obliged to go through the portal. Bastle dropped the king through the portal, landing on Kaige's shoulders. Shadowfell's effect on the king was immediately noticeable as his skin turned pale. The king was initially afraid of this place. He felt betrayed by the party for a moment after seeing where he was. Yeet intimidated him into compliance saying he had no other choice.


They used the kings staff to create a pocket dimension to escape the life-sapping effect of the realm. Strahd comforts the king saying he was safe being a friend of a friend.


The party rested, and awoke to strategize. The ultimately decided to ask Strahd to teleport them into Clarissa's room. Strahd reached into Yeet's memories of he and Clarissa's time together to hone in on the location. Yeet cried thinking back on his time with her and how much things had changed, but that faded as Strahd opened up the portal to Clarissa's Room…


Criminal Quandaries - S35


Criminal Quandaries - S33