Criminal Quandaries - S30

Brian pulled the skull card, but was able to quickly dispatch the avatar of death. The rest of the party didn't want to get involved, but was quite encouraging.


Kaige opted not to pull a card, too fearful of the potential downsides. Gus, was brave and pulled a card, only to pull arguably the most powerful card- the Fates. With it, he could reverse one event in the past. He struggled with the decision, wanting to resurrect his brother Tiberius, who they suspect is the soul of the Lord of Blades. He pocketed the card, taking his time to use it when he had a better idea of what he wanted.


Kraid took them out of the arena as the next event started. The party deliberated what they could do, but assured Gus he didn't have to use it now, but that he didn't owe anyone anything.


The next even started, with waves of Kobolds fighting an adventuring party, and the group wandered off to find trouble, figuratively speaking. Clarissa & Karina walk out of their booth together, followed by Yeet's mother, Alyce. Yeet discretely messages Clarissa, and, while Karina wasn't paying attention Yeet pulls Clarissa aside, turning her invisible.


Kaige notices Karina's Green-scaled dragon mark now has red veins of scales running through it indicating some sort of change, and likely it is due to Krennick Tharashk's doing.


Gus, deep in thought made his way over to a Telfel's Turkey Legs. The nervous stand attendant, was trying to pull one over on Gus, charging an astronomical 1 gold per leg. Gus bargained a 2-for-1.


Bastle wandered off to a bookie and put down 350gp on Highcall against 3:1 odds, potentially tripling his money.


Yeet and Clarissa, finally had a moment to themselves. Yeet told the whole story of his transition to a half-Tiefling and his family casting him out. Yeet confessed to feeding Tharashk information, which Clarissa didn't take too well. Clarissa would be happy to let Yeet die if that's his wish, but she insisted she didn't have a decision she could make. She walked away saying she wanted tings to return to the way they were.


Kaige makes herself visible to Karina to stumble upon her, looking cool and collected. Suddenly they meet and Kaige quips, knowing Karina can't do anything in this moment, but to find Clarissa  first.  Karina entertained Kaige for a moment, saying the Krennick was her true father, and she accepted him wholeheartedly. Krennick has helped Karina grow her power significantly. Karina felt the Deneith house was weak, and joining the houses would be best for the family. Kaige swung on Karina, but Karina caught the fist, displaying her new power, and invited Kaige to join her under Krennick's banner. Kaige refused but was warned it would mean her death.


Yeet checked that Clarissa made it back to safety, passing by his mother. Alyce feigned surprise. Yeet made it very clear he didn't care to be part of the family. Alyce blamed Yeet for the family's vulnerable position and left.


Yeet and Kaige commiserate over the whisky for a while, vowing to kill them all.


It was then time for the big fight between The Lord of Blades and Sir Theodosius Highcall. They traded blows, and the party's intelligence operation seemed to help Theo overcome most of Blade's trickery, but Blade was still a very capable fighter, and did a number on Theo. Theo held his ground, with an exhausted Blade  running towards him. The two collided like mountains, and the arena suddenly erupted as Blade exploded in a huge arcane blast. The forcefield surrounding the area kept in the lightning filled cloud, but the shield dropped, and the smoke on the field started to fade away.


Criminal Quandaries - S31


Criminal Quandaries - S29