Criminal Quandaries - S18

The last two sessions found our party bursting through a sewer entrance chasing down a carriage full of loot. House Cannith and Tharashk were supposedly moving arms through the city to prepare themselves for potential civil war. The battles were a little tougher than they thought with hard-hitting warforged knocking them down over and over again. Their second cart wasn't much easier, as a sentient, sexist ballista nearly did them in. They took a rest after the two carriages only to find their last carriages had been parked in a warehouse. Fortunately, the warehouse had an entrance in the sewer with an elevator going up into it. Before the teleported, however, Gus noticed something in the water and the party spent several minutes investigating it to no avail. The team decided to teleport anyway, getting the jump on the two brothers moving cargo outside the door.

They would have handily dispatched them if it weren't for the water creatures guarding the entrance. They managed to pull the party into the water, leaving Yeet alone with the two guards. Trying to be a good friend, he tried attacking one of the water weirds instead of the brothers with a thunderclap, but only managed to cover Bastle in sewer shit-sludge.

Through sheer will, Bastle stabbed his water weird to death,. Gus persevered using his magical weapon to crush the weird, only for Bastle to finish that one too. The brothers were dispatched by Kaige and Yeet, and then the third water weird took off, swallowing the body of the headless brother.

They made their way up the elevator hiding behind barrels and boxes they moved. They found an incredibly dim room as the setting sun was setting over Fairhaven. Kaige spotted the slightest movement on the far side of the room and it was on once more. At least two archers are raining down on the party, but a much stealthier threat loomed behind them and lured Bastle on top of the elevator, taking him out.


Criminal Quandaries - S19


Criminal Quandaries - S17