WitW - Session 5

The party leaves Lady Loraema for 7-Stones' Cascade to retrieve a stone for the Lady. It would increase her power much further upstream. They approached the waterfall- a 100 foot cliff face greets them, but a small entrance behind the falls beckons them in. Inside, they found two keys and a massive number of locks in the shape of a Fibonacci Triangle. They took a few shocks, but ultimately got the combination of 4 locks. The stone lift rumbled to life, taking them up to the light above.


As they approached the top of the lift, they heard a subtle tune, and at the top laid eyes upon master Mongo- protector of the 7 stones. Master Mongo's robotic voice takes the party aback for a moment, asking why they are at the falls. Almyre says they are borrowing a stone for Lady Loraema, but Mongo refuses citing Lady Loraema is "Evil" for taking what is not hers. They try to deceive Mongo by trading a stone they have for one of Mongo's. He would allow this  if they could jump of the waterfall with a stone in hand. The party accepts this challenge.


Almyre started with boosting her speed and stealing the first stone, but Mongo stole it back swiftly. Jeatz attempted to restrain Mongo with Earthen Grasp but was unable. Horace had the same idea, and grabbed his legs. Mongo was pleased that everyone was all in the same place as he used his Lightning Surge attack in the water, dealing considerable damage to the party, and downing Ka.


Almyre made a rush for the edge of the waterfall, and Mongo Misty-Stepped out of Horace's Grasp, taking a reaction to steal the stone from Almyre, but missed. Almyre used her last. Fey Step to launch herself over the edge of the waterfall, Feather falling to safely land on one foot on the rocks below like a ballerina.


The party picked up Ka with the ring and they made their way to Widdershins, wanting to avoid using the Canoe as they would them be in Loraema's domain. Cardigan and Flumph are happy to see the party once again- Jeatz heads to bed, but everyone enjoys some lamb stew. Cardigan said they could bathe in the fountain, as is tradition, tomorrow.


Flumph tries to connect with the party, but failed and was embarrassed. Cardigan came in thankfully difusing the tension saying there was something going on just outside the window of one of the bedrooms- it was Esith and Chancellor Smith.


Esith told the Chancellor they were desperate for help, but only ever got a cold shoulder from the village. Esith was hopeful the party would hold up their end of the promise with Lady Loraema, however. Horace invited the Chancellor in, with Chancellor Smith somersaulting with ease through the small window.


The party detailed how they would ask Lady Loraema to protect the village, but they must take the Gith in. The Chancellor felt betrayed by Horace, a fellow human that he would entertain such a notion as to work with a fey and promise protection to a Gith. Horace pointed out the Humans and the Gith are both seen as outlanders in the Wild, so they should stick together. Horace threatened him directly if he didn't comply. The Chancellor said he would think the offer over, climbing back through the window. Almyre explained that siding with Loraema may seem bad, but ultimately could serve the greater good- having their cake and eat it too. Horace and Flumph take the Chess, but Horace loses to them. Horace isn't great at games it would seem, but Horace was able to hear Flumph's voice in his head, but was Horace just too drunk or tired?


They all go to sleep and are visited once again by the Weave Warden, but this time they are able to speak. The Weave Warden once again said they were chosen because they looked into the tear in the wild and were chosen by the Weave Warden to save the Wild from destruction via its time being stolen. They said there were many who could help, in all 4 of the courts, but Almyre knows that there are some in the summer court who could help. The party wakes up from their long rest and levels up to 4.


WitW - Session 6


WitW - Session 4