WitW - Session 2

The party found Horace's cabin ablaze and immediately started investigating. Almyre found a fairy named Spramantha hiding in a nearby fern. "J" introduced himself, handing Spramantha a juicy peach. She takes it, and tell them that she saw some oily-looking goblins run off into the woods behind the cabin.


Ka, still appearing as Shoda, tracked the oil into the woods, but before they took off, the house's blaze had calmed down. Horace went through his house one last time. He found the remnants of a necklace his father had made- A silver chain that once held a small wooden tree he carved for his son. Horace vowed revenge.


They followed the oil to a rock formation deep in the forest, finding an indentation in the rocks. In the alcove, there are several holes, about the size of a hand. The party takes turns sticking their hands in holes, finding several rats and spiders but also a very handy ring of healing word. They eventually located the button that opened the huge stone door into Moss Hollow.


They ventured into the cave illuminated faintly by fireflies and luminescent mushrooms. They lit torches and went deeper, finding an oily sheen on a small stream. Jeatz cast shape water to take the party to the other side of the stream, but Almyre noticed there was a small, secret underwater passage.


Jeatz burned off the oil on the water, burning himself in the conflagration. This freed them up, however, to explore the secret cavern. Horace volunteered, finding a chest inside. It contained a fine pair of gloves and a vial of something he wasn't able to make out. He tried to venture through the other side, but the stream was 14ft deep, and it snuffed his torch.


After crossing the stream, they were amBUSHED by a group of shrubs! They made quick work of them. Horace honed his shrub-shaping abilities while Ka finished them off with a hearty sneak attack. After the battle, Horace picked a mushroom and it decayed unusually quickly.


They continued forth, and arrived at a fork where Ka and Jeatz took the smaller path. They both subtly changed using their changeling abilities to fit through the small path, but both still somehow don't suspect one another. On the other path, Almyre and Horace came across one of the boggles named Unger. Horace walks away and behind him, Almyre throws a lit torch at Unger who's covered in oil.


The four met across a stream, and despite being smaller, Ka and Jeatz were still able to escape suspicion. At the end of the cave, they see two boggles and an awakened tree arguing back and forth.


The Boggles were asking for more favor, but Treetwig told them to leave as they had been paid already. Despite intuiting that the tree is likely not allied with the Dryads, Jeatz readied to cast Chaos bolt.


WitW - Session 3


WitW - Session 1