The Soul of Rung Blood - S2

As we rejoin our party, they had just regained consciousness from a long rest of the bonfire, finding the dead body of Lyndon suddenly missing. After inspecting the area, they find a note (AVERY LINK JOURNAL 1) in its place, describing a man who was also trapped here who has seen a window to the outside at the end of the main corridor.

After reading the note, they head out down the corridor to find the window in question, but not before noticing the 5th chest mysteriously opened and empty.

The party begins to awaken their inherent magical power while dispatching the skeletons in the hallway, and reaches the end of the hallway to find 3 doors:

One to the outside, which upon inspection seems to mirror the entrance to the cave they originally were brought to. One to the left and one to the right along the walls of the Corridor they came down.

The party then decides to head through the left door after being unable to open the seemingly locked exit door. They are met with a large, open room filled with the faint sounds of grunts, moans, and panting. To the north they see a man standing with his back to the party, facing an odd sphere on the ground. An arcana check reveals pocked of magical power the light the room, including the area with the man and sphere.

T sneaks up on the man, stabbing him in the back, before finding out it is a ZOMBIE. The party then engages the zombie, but as Braruk runs in haphazardly, they are attacked by 3 more zombies to their left. A difficult fight ensues, during which T investigates the sphere to find a large dead head with eye stalks which seems like is dead, you rolled a 11 (exactly how I described it) along with a note, which you pocketed to read later at the behest of your DM.

As party grow closer to dying and final zombie seems to refuse to go down, T shoots the dead on the ground, thinking it has something to do with the zombies resilience. Suddenly the head opens its eyes, eyestalks and all, and it is revealed to be a beholder, now zombified.

The party decides to flee, with Alda, Luci, and Braruk running out of the room. Before T is able to flee, the beholder disintegrates him, killing him and the entire party.

Waking up at the fire, T pulls out the note reading about how the stranger has been fighting monsters, including the eyeball monster they had been killed by. The monsters kept respawning, aside from the eyeball monster, which seems to stay dead. Maybe it is connected to the door opening?

The party decides to try the other door at the end of the hall. The dispatch the skeletons and peer through the window, and inside the room they see magical items on a table, with a sexy man standing behind the table. They attempt to get the man’s attention, and although they succeed, he yells “FUCK OFF” and pulls the shade to the door down, obscuring your view of the room.

The party then returns to the room with the zombies, carefully emptying the room out without disturbing the beholder. The find 2 doors at the end of the room, one to the east and one to the west.

T opens the door to the west, entering a room with a lever in the north west corner and statues lining the wall. Unsure, the party decides to enter the room to the east.

Luci runs Into the room to the east, which also contains a lever in the corner. He carefully makes his way in the room, but a misstep causes him to fall through the floor, finding himself in a room filled with oozes…..


Journal Entries


The Soul of Rung Blood - S1