Criminal Quandaries - S15

Yeet realized that the effigy required that it be next to the person it was attuned to in order to drink their blood for the alcohol in it. However Yeet, in a moment of quick thinking threw the effigy into the river as the party walked to the city overnight.

They arrived late, but the guards (Russel and Larry )were reluctant to allow them in. Kaige commiserated with the common man and gave a few extra gold to convince the guards to let them pass without logging anything.

They tried stealthing up to Luthias's house, but a dark figure on his doorstep turned out to be Norrix, the dragonborn. She apologized for being so combative in the city. She needs the party on her side in order to protect the collective. The actions of Scarsgaard meant that those who stole from house Cannith were in deep trouble, but the collective could not only protect them, but also capitalize on the disruption.

Kaige gave Luthias the soul channel and prepared the ritual to move bastle's soul from his old body to the new one that Luthias had on hand. Norrix reappeared, and brought along a colleague of hers, Circuit, a gome artificer who had quite the beef with Luthias. Luthias and Circuit had it out while Norrix laid out a few facts-

House Cannith, House Tharashk, and the King are a trifecta a power while the Collective operate underneath it all. Norrix said that there were arms moving through the city because either house Cannith or Tharashk felt threatened. Norrix wants you all on her side because you all seem to be capable thieves or dangerous enemies. Norrix would rather have you on her side to steal from those in power.

Yeet stole the 40 gold from Bastle's lifeless body. Everyone else prepared for the ritual. They passed the first part of the tritual without isue, but when it came time to move the soul from one vial to another, they all dropped the ball. But, the rest of the procedure went of without a hitch.

Circuit and Luthias were able to move the should to the new body but it needed a rest. Luthias had the party throw what they could find into a bag of holding. They found a few helpful items: Barnaby's summoning Cylinder, an Alchemy Jug, and boots of Elven kind.

Norrix urged the party to the Collective hideout where they got an orientation of the powers that be in Fairhaven-

House Cannith- the House of the warforged, led by the lord of Blades (aka Blade) runs things but with a level head. He'd like to take over Fairhaven, but house Tharashk and the crown make that nearly impossible

House Tharashk- Led by the powerful wizard Krennick and his wife, Aura, they control much of the goings-on in Fairhaven. Krennick sits on the council of wood and helps guide the King

The King/Council of Wood/General Theodosius Highcall- The King was more of a figurehead led by the council of wood, but General Highcall serves as the guiding force of the King. Ever Faithful to the Crown, General Highcall would never let something happen that would compromise the power of Fairhaven.

Norrix explained that the Collective had people deep undercover in both house Cannith and Tharashk, but ushered the party to bed. Yeet played a sweet tune as they all fell asleep leveling up to level 7.

Items found:

  • Bag of Holding (Kaleb)

  • Barnaby's Summoning Cylinder (once a day) (in the bag/Yeet)

  • Boots of Elven-kind (Kaige)


Criminal Quandaries - S16


Criminal Quandaries - S14