Criminal Quandaries - S28

The party rested up for a minute before continuing onto the stage after having defeated the taskmaster. Behind the door on the stage was a portal with a few locations- House Cannith, Foyer, House Tharashk Gate, Capitol Building Office. The Portal's location, however was locked to "Warehouse."

Stepping through was a site to behold- The landed in the burnt out warehouse that Yeet destroyed with his fireball. They landed softly, and fortunately got a free round to escape the pursuing warforged. They Ran as fast as they could, but Momo quickly got caught. He fought back, but it wasn't enough. The pursuit warforged took him out with little effort, leaving him nearly dead in the streets.


Yeet nearly met the same fate as he sacrificed sprinting to buff the party. He took some damage, but managed to outpace them slightly with a Zephyr strike scroll.


Bastle and Kaige easily beat the pursuers with Gus in third.


Nearly downed, Yeet chugged a Willy's wild magic potion, and miraculously was able to teleport 30 feet. Feeling good he did it again spawning Moira Sparklefarts, a Unicorn. He rode Moira even further to safety, but slipped in her piss. As penance for laughing at him, Moira teleported them to safety. With everyone hidden, they escaped form the pursuant warforged. Not wanting to draw too much attention, the warforged retreated.


The party made their way to the inn where Circuit and Gus's parents were waiting in the tavern. Gus reassured his parents, but understood their mourning. Circuit was passed out drunk, but Bastle woke her up asking about Swallow Hall. Circuit was pissed she was awoken for no real reason, but said swallow hall was a bar not far from where they were staying. They went to bed for a much needed rest, leveling up to 10.


The next morning Bastle made his way there, finding a woman named Petra Veylance. She detailed Estrums early life and how we has recruited by house Cannith to build more intelligent warforged. Bastle must have been one of the results of those experiments. Petra hasn't seen Estrum, but wrote him a letter, hoping Bastle could deliver it. She also gave bastle a pocketwatch Estrum built. Petra said that if she ever needed Estrum, she could turn the hands past 12 3 times.


They continued onto the capitol building to see General Highcall before his big fight.


Criminal Quandaries - S29


Criminal Quandaries - S27